Got a little easy @ 5:44 p.m.
on 2003-11-02

, is my face red.

Friday Joe and I get all dressed up for the Halloween festivities, he as Neo, and I as One Bad Pussy. At least that�s the name I gave myself�since I was having trouble finding inspiration for the-perfect-costume, I improvised, bought a cat mask, borrowed a tail, and pretty much dressed like a hooker. Oh yeah, I was smokin�.

We met up with one of my girlfriends, a really cool guy I�d met once or twice before, another really cool guy I�d never met before, and a guy that looked familiar so I�d probably met him when I was drunk sometime in the past year. The familiar guy, I was told, is the brother of my friend Adam, so my mission to heckle him as much as possible is clear. Throughout the party he was often found to be standing in a corner, not talking to anyone, and I being the social butterfly, decided to make it my goal that night to put him in some type of spotlight he will not soon forget.

Hmmm, what could a slightly inebriated, dressed like a hooker, attention-whore do for a guy in public that is dirty enough for him to be slightly embarrassed, yet allow my on-looking boyfriend to cheer me on, and not get pissed.

Let the lap dance commence!

I am a very dirty kitty. No matter where that poor guy went, if he was in the same room as me, he was getting freaked on.

Filling up at the keg�.getting freaked on.

Waiting in line for the restroom�getting freaked on.

I was having quite a good time, and was completely exhausted and slightly sobering up by the time I was dropped off at my place in the wee hours of the morning. It was a good party with awesome decorations�definitely a night to remember. Needless to say, Saturday was spent on my couch squinting at the TV with the volume down low. I hate hangovers, and this one was especially nasty since I�d become the cigarette queen the night before and downed a large portion of a pack myself. Every time I exhaled I could taste stale smoke. Gag. Thank goodness I wasn�t nauseous, I hate it when that happens.

So my phone rings, and it�s my girlfriend yelling that I�d better not punk out Saturday night and stay at home instead of going to another party with her. And I have to say, that my full intentions were to punk out and sit my tired ass on the couch some more. Then Joe called and said he felt bad for leaving the party early the night before cause he was tired and wanted to do something. So I pretty myself up, and out we go to a bonfire.

Shiner Bock in the keg, and more good friends around, ya gotta love life sometimes.

My friend Adam was there and I laugh and relay the antics I pulled Halloween night and just how much I had fucked with his brother�s head. He�s kinda laughing, but looking a little confused�when my girlfriend screams �Oh no! Wrong Adam!�

Yeah, that wasn�t my friend�s brother.

And yeah, now some random guy thinks I�m a total tramp probably. And also that my boyfriend pimps me out.

Ya just gotta love life sometimes. My girlfriend is saying that I�ve met the right Adam, he�s that blonde guy I met at that party one time that was with some friends. Not jogging the memory at all.

Ah well, a good laugh was had by all, and actually a little more than a good laugh, as my girlfriend tells me that I had made such an impression on the mistaken brother, that he had�.um�pleased himself later that night with the memory of me.

Yes, I am a very very dirty kitty.

Hmmm, I may have just stumbled upon a way to make some extra cash in my unemployment! Hahahahah

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!

take | me