Got a little easy @ 7:03 p.m.
on 2003-11-25

Yesterday I agreed to keep my neighbor's 4 yr old daughter for an hour while she met with a new client.

Oh My God.

Everything would've been fine if Joe had stayed away. Having worked with children (and seeing different parenting styles) before, I have developed a bit more patience than Joe. He works in high-end retail with adults looking to spend the Benjamins. He does not know how to deal with a demanding little girl pushing the limits of what she can get away with.

We watched "Barbie's Swan Lake" and ate pizza like champs. Joe hid out here at the computer.

Everything was fine till time to go home, and then Oh-Dear-God.

The Whining.

The Crying.

The NOT putting on her sweater and shoes like I was asking her to.

I was ok with this. I was perfectly happy to return her to her mother (a mere two doors down) with all things in hand that she wore over here.

Joe, on the other hand, had acquired a headache from her high-pitch squealing over whether or not Barbie would stay a swan forever, and started barking orders at her.

Not a good strategy.

He turned a managable situation into a screaming match with threats. She yelling, "You're a liar," he barking "I'm calling your mother and she can spank you!" After finally shuffling the little darling off admist protest and tears, I think Joe was asleep by 9:30, utterly exhausted.

He swears our children will never behave this way. I just laughed and said that they'll probably be worse.

My genes + his genes = double trouble.

Tonight I'm packing a few things for our trip tomorrow to his parent's house for Thanksgiving. This will be interesting considering last month when we visited for a few days his mom told us to sleep in the same bed.


Have I mentioned that his dad is a deacon in the Catholic church? He's a big Mexican guy and I'm just a little white girl. But with all the family that will be in this weekend, I think we'll probably end up sleeping on separate couches or something. I'll let ya know how it all turns out.

I need to get packing, I'm meeting my friend S for drinks later on as I explain why I've been so flakey with her for the past week. No, you're not gonna hear that story. But I do need to apologize and get some girl-2-girl advice.

I just watched my first episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy! I taped it for Joe, he's gonna love it. I swear, if I wasn't boinking the guy on a regular basis, I'd think he was gay. Anyway, we decided we HAD to watch this show after South Park made such fun of it.

We love South Park.

And Joe is such the Metrosexual.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE, and a great big "Sorry" to the Native Americans!

take | me