Got a little easy @ 9:53 p.m.
on 2003-07-01

Please bear with me, this page will be 'under construction' for a while as I try to get it up to speed with the other tech-wizards around here. There should be a diaryring called that...probably is already. I just spent a freaking long time scrolling through the diaryrings searching out my kind, my bretheren, my fellow obsess-ers over random shit. Like Jon Stewart, I was so excited he had one. But oh my god are there soooooooo many, really my eyes are about to fall out. So if I've joined your ring recently, and you don't see it here yet, give me a few days, I'm having to contract-out for html help. By contract out, I of course mean that I'm trading sex to my html-inclined friend who is oh-so graciously lending me her awesome vat of geek-dom expertise to make your diary-reading experience more pleasurable. She knows I use the term geek with the fondest of regards, in fact, she'll probably have me screaming it later on as I become her geek-bitch.

Anyway, I'm still not done with the rings, and who knows what other tricks she has up her sleeve for me to do that will make my page better. Thank you Queeny-Geek for your infinite patience with me, a lowly day-dweller.


Good things come to those who wait!

take | me