Got a little easy @ 8:39 p.m.
on 2003-07-14

Never fear, Autumn-Kitty is here! Haha, as I was explaining earlier (but not in here, so you don't know what I'm talking about) about once a month or every other month I get in one-of-those-moods. The whole world is going to Hell in a handbasket, starting with my life. Nothing is right and every decision I've ever made is wrong. (This explains the havoc that's been wreaked in my dream-world lately) But here I am, back from the depths of Major Depression without the help of any blue and yellow purple pills. All is well here in Pleasantville, no wait, I want to live in Perfect, where you don't need a 24-hour Walgreens because everything is handed out on tulip petals. No, that would get really old after a while....Well Crap. Looks like I'll just have to settle for where I am, which is fine with me because I have a wonderful boyfriend who is willing to grow old with me and feed me pea soup through a straw when all my teeth fall out. WAIT, he's not just wonderful...ladies and gentlemen, and those undecided, this man is more than wonderful... he puts up with ME for crying out loud. He's that butterfly in your stomach as your school girl crush stopped at your locker, he's that pulsing down below that wants to feel you from the inside, he's the arm you squeeze in the dark theater when that dumbass walks into the haunted house, he's the brainfreeze you get from coke-float Saturdays, he's the happy sleepiness you feel in that not-quite-awake realm when you realize he has Sunday off and is yours for the entire day. He is my love. I love you Joe.

take | me