Got a little easy @ 11:39 p.m.
on 2003-07-18

So after a week of very hectic will-I-have-a-job-after-next-month worrying, I decided to let go and drink a bottle of wine and the second season of Sex and the City, I've come to a few conclusions.

During the episode breaks Joe watched a bit of the Koby Bryant trials and tribulations....Sports figure wives are the most understand and forgiving of us all...

And that reclining in my neighbor's beachy Peir 1 chair while smoking a cigarette on the porch is a nice me-time. I can push on the vynl siding with my big toe on one of the 'rows' and they all move. This is very significant to me as I grew up in the country where everything is made of actual wood siding and doesn't move. But it was me-time, and that was just nice.

Especially after the bottle of Merlot and enjoying some time with the girls, even if it was all scripted and vicarious through the DVD player.

take | me