Got a little easy @ 1:26 p.m.
on 2003-07-21

I just had one of the best weekends I've had in a really, really long time.

Friday I finally got off-call at 8am, so hello liquor, here I come! I'd bought the second season to Sex and the City earlier that week, but as I was leaving the parking lot of Best Buy, I was called to do a crisis screening 30 minutes away. I won't go into it, but that call led me to write a 'just-so-you-know' letter about a fellow employee to our supervisor. She is a bitch and deserves everything she brings on herself. But back to my happy-happy weekend... Joe came over Friday and we finally got to wacth my new obsession, and about half-way through the first episode it became evident that a bottle of Red would be necessary. So we laughed our asses off all night long, then passed out in a Merlot-induced stupor. Saturday was good, no hangover. I did some cleaning and necessary shopping, then met up with my Indian friend for some drinks at the Fox & Hound. This has become our usual place to meet, the guys are pretty cute and always in good humor, and there 10 million tv's around to keep our ADD in check. So the videos and trivia were playing, the Cape Cods were flowing, other friends and acquaintences stopped by as the night waned. Joe came by when he got off work, and it was decided we needed to go dancing. So off to the Library we went (up until recently it was The Crooked Path, everything changes so fast in this town!) There turned out to be a lot of other Indians (the country India, not Native Americans) there, too, so as the token white girl, I fielded a lot of well received attention. Though I could do without the drunk groping, the dancing was fun, and the drinks were strong. Afterward, Joe and I got some drive-thru and crashed back at my house. I'd thought we finished all of the Sex and the City, but I was wrong, so we laughed until the wee hours of the morning at the wild antics of Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda. Is there anything quite like drunk-crying and drunk-laughing at the same time with the one person in the world you enjoy being with the most? Don't think so.

So Sunday I woke with no hangover again, and was extatic. Joe had the day off, so we met my cousin (who was in town from LSU) for lunch at the new Mongolian grill in town where I got the call from my friend who's recently broken off his engagement. We had plans to meet up at the closest outlet mall and do some bargain shopping, but....you guessed it.....he'd been on his way when She called in hysterics about being all confused, yadda, yadda, yadda. I'll say right now that I don't really like this girl, seeing as how she never, ever, in the past three years of their relationship, has been anything but manipulative, guilt-inducing, and has been caught in lie after lie. My friend is so freaking niave to think that they can still 'just be friends,' and seeing as how this is his first real break-up, I'm letting him learn on his own, that it will never happen. This situation is very sticky, because the reason he broke off the engagement is because he came out of the closet, sooo, yeah. I'm not sure what advice to give him, I know he feels guilty for 'leading her on', but she certainly is loving all the attention she has received from this... I still say that gay or straight, you can't be friends with the ex. That's all I'm going to say about that right now.

Joe and I head out to the outlet mall, and oh dear lord, was it hot! We walked and walked and walked and shopped and shopped and shopped. Now, you must know that I hate shopping. Nothing ever fits or looks right on me, so I avoid it as much as possible. Joe on the other hand, loves to shop, so I offered to buy him some things for our upcoming Vegas trip in August, and he jumped at the opportunity. I did end up buying one thing for myself, a cute half-off mini denim purse that was simply too cute to pass up. I ammend my previous statement about shopping. I like looking for purses, shoes, and jewelry. I'm an accessories fiend, what can I say? But I'm also capable of simply looking and not buying, whereas a certain red-headed friend of mine will buy anything shiny in sight, no matter how bad her credit already is! We had a nice dinner at Cracker Barrel (there's one at every outlet mall, I swear) and headed home exhausted. I had the bright idea to rent a movie, and picked up Gangs of New York. It got rave reviews, right? Great Cinematography, acting, direction, costumes, all that jazz. Why, oh why, did not one person in their review mention that the fucking thing is 2 hours and 40 minutes long??? I thought it would never end. Finally at who-knows-what-hour did I crawl into bed, and needless to say, overslept this morning. Yes, I am at my desk right now with greasy hair, bags under my eyes, and wrinkled clothes. What the fuck, Siskel...or Ebert....I can't remember at the moment which one is still alive, due to lack of sleep!

All in all, it is well worth it, and since I'm on-call again this weekend, I'll have plenty of time to make up for lost sleep.

Too bad they're doing construction right outside of my window...I'd put my head down and....zzzzzzzz

take | me