Got a little easy @ 3:16 p.m.
on 2003-07-24

Thanks to all that have said my pretty kitty is cute....I mean...hahehe.. I know she is, haven't had any complaints so far! I've been told she's Himalayan, she's a hobo cat, so who knows. A little old lady first got her as a kitten, then her house burned down (which is why I think she's such a spaz) so she gave the kitten to her neighbor, who gave her to my friend Nick. I believe he got her when she was not quite 2 yrs old, our senior year in high school. He gave her to me our Junior year in college because he was going to be moving around, and since I refused to call the cat by her name, Pussy, I picked something that sounded kinda similar, but more appropriate to say in front of my mother. Hence the name Precious was born. Though she's formed a strong attachment with me and Joe, she will not approach strangers and does not like to be picked up...but I do it anyway! (note the distressed look above) She's just so damn cuddly!

If there are any other fact/questions about my Precious, let me know, I do enjoy talking about her!

take | me