Got a little easy @ 3:30 p.m.
on 2003-07-24

I've had old greasy men hit on me that I work with. I've had the young new tech guys hit on me that I work with. I've even caught my executive director saying hello to the 'twins' some mornings....but a good looking co-worker I respect? One that I've gone out with for that after work drink several times, and am comfortable with just being friends? Why did HE have to hit on me? It wasn't much, just that when we were hugging good-bye after a night of drinking I think he kissed my neck. He could have just been drooling, or something, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt...but then...I felt it. And I mean IT, it. Then I felt him put my earlobe in his teeth. Ever had one of those 'deer in the headlights' moments? I can see disaster coming head on, but am so freaked out that I can't move. Finally, animation returned to my body and I just laughed that girly 'stop that' laugh (it was the only sound I was able to make), walked to my car and left.

1. I'm with somebody, if you've been reading my diary, you know all about what mental anguish I've gone through and my decision to quit double-guessing myself and just be fucking happy.

2. He's a co-worker. Don't get your honey where you get your money.

3. I finally have a male friend that I haven't messed up the relationship by sleeping with. He's a great drinking buddy, great to bullshit with and get advice/other perspectives from.

4. Here's the biggie...He's married, with a newborn. That's a line I'm not willing to cross.

So what the hell am I supposed to do now? I can't talk about it, but should I just ignore it? I don't think he wants or expects anything to happen, it was probably just a random event brought about by too much beer on a Tuesday night.

This is my punishment for trying to break the dull cycle of going home from work and vegging on old 'Buffy' reruns.....

take | me