Got a little easy @ 9:45 p.m.
on 2003-08-04

I spent today training the chick that's taking over my duties on everything that I've been doing the past two years. What she did all day was bitch about how they expect her to learn all of this so soon and about how much work it's going to be.

First of all, I sat on my sweet ass last Thursday AND Friday waiting for her to SHOW THE FUCK UP at the office so I could get a jump on training her so it wouldn't be such an overload.

Second of all, I know how much work it is, I've been shaking it for two years earning peanuts.

And C: She never SHOWED THE FUCK UP last week! She's the one who decides on my THIRD TO LAST DAY that she's ready for me.

but maybe I've said that already

I'm sorry for yelling.

She's a good woman, really she is. Single mom trying to make it in this crappy no-income area....but stop complaining about it and move on woman!

Whining irritates me, can you tell? Plus, she stood me up, twice.

I need to get to bed, tomorrow's going to be tough. I have to break the news of my departure to my clients and their parents scheduled to see the doc in the morning. Not going to be pretty....

Oh, one more thing, she has the gaul to ask me if I could just get all the paperwork for the rest of the month prepared for her so she won't be so lost. I literally had to take a personal time-out.

Perhaps she wants me to hold her hand while she pee's, too. I'll have to find out tomorrow, she's sure to be there, negative attitude and all.

two more days, two more days, two more days, two more days

take | me