Got a little easy @ 7:33 p.m.
on 2003-08-18

How frustrating is this...I can't sign anyone's guestbook right now! Must be all you damn d-landers logged in using up all that precious time and space...

Perhaps this is fate telling me to get off the computer and go work out. I don't think I like fate very much anymore.

I have pasta and cheesecake in the fridge calling my name.

It's so much easier to sit here and eat than to go out and run. I don't really run, I smoke too damn much for that...but I do walk quite briskly.

If I weren't in the financial straights that I'm in, I'd buy some roller-blades, they look like fun. And the park has pretty nice sidewalks.

I have this fear that some Adam Sandler wanna-be would be in a bush by the pond throwing limbs in my path. Damn the wanna-be.

But I did go out and walk yesterday.

I think it's the smoking that I'm NOT doing that makes me want to eat. Something in my mouth and hands.

Or I could just drink.

But that takes money, too, and I'm trying to budget.

I could do crunches in front of the tv. Lazy, but still working my target area.

I look like a bloated Ethiopian. I have these stick arms and legs, and this completely round belly. Damn you depo and desk job!

Crunches, that's the key.

It's finally cooled down to the 90's outside, but it'll soon be dark and I don't want to go out by myself. And I can't take my attack-cat Presh with me, she freaks when I leave the door open and she gets a wiff of un-air-conditioned air.

Damn spoiled cat.

She's done nothing but sleep all day.

She slept on the floor during my and Joe's little excursion earlier.

Thanks a lot, cat.

Crunches, there-in lies my salvation...

take | me