Got a little easy @ 1:10 p.m.
on 2004-02-23

Ok, so everybody go visit ChicagoJo and do what she says!

She's raising money for the American Cancer Society, by the way, but this won't cost you a dime.

I don't usually talk about it cause it scares the crap out of me, but my own dad was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago....1998 I believe. He was one of those men in their 50's who'd been exposed to Agent Orange (I think) when serving in Vietnam. The military was just figuring out that the cancers that were sprouting up uncontrollably had a 30-year latency period...and hmmm....all these men were in the same place in 1968-69...hmmm, maybe we really f**ed-up!

So my dad's was caught early and he had a surgery to remove it, and all went well. No chemo, thank God, was necessary and he's been in remission since.

And I was scared stupid.

I was a sophomore in college and acting like a complete jerk-off to my parents while trying to find my own identity and doing a whole bunch of things they didn't approve of.

My mom started blaming me for everything. Even dad's cancer.

Yes, she actually said to me that it was my fault. I knew it was ridiculous, but it still hurt.

I don't even remember my sister being around, I think she just stayed away. She's just two years older than me, so we were both relatively young to be dealing with thoughts of a parent dying.

When is it a good age, though?

My throat's almost all closed up now from holding back tears.

I'll call my dad when I'm on the road...I'm leaving for Dallas again, be there all week.

I've got a friggin bridal shower to attend this weekend....yippie-ki-yeah.


But to end on an up note:

There's a big Firefighter training school around here, so we're always getting 'imports' to play with. This weekend it was extremely hunky (fire-fighting) guys from England, Ireland, and Scotland. I think so anyway, they all had WONDERFUL accents and a few were in kilts.


Oh yes, everybody in the bar wanted to do it, this Kitty was ballsy enough to follow through.

Or perhaps just drunk enough. Yeah, that sounds about right.

At another bar (there's a strip of em down here) I was surrounded by English guys buying me Cape Cods while I tried to explain Mardi Gras to them.

The only evidence of that conversation are the beads now sitting on my counter.

Though I don't recall flashing anyone the twins...

Honestly, I don't think I did, my friend S got us kicked out for her 'disorderly' conduct too early!

Have a good week! I will!!

take | me