Got a little easy @ 8:14 a.m.
on 2004-06-14

Ok, so cute guy Eric that I met Friday calls me up Saturday. I'm thinking, cool- a guy that doesn't waste time. He calls at 7 or 8 to see what I'm doing, says he's going to call his friends to see if they have anything going on, then call me back. Ok.

One hour later he calls back with "Hey, whatcha doing?"

Ummm....did I just imagine our previous conversation???

But I brush it off and mention that I just plan on staying in and watching a movie, and he's welcome to come over. So he says 'great,' but he has to help a friend out with their computer problems first, it'll be about an hour but he'll call me when he's through for directions to my place.



Ummm...tick-tock, tick-tock..........

Two and a half hours later, he calls back with "Hey, whatcha doin?"

What the fuck does he think I'm doing, I've been stewing for the past hour and a half.

But as sweetly as I can, I tell him that I'm already in my pajamas and about to get into bed, and (ahem) discretely mention the time lapse.

He apologizes profusely, rattles off some computer terms I don't know and swears he'll make it up to me tomorrow. I decide to laugh it off, no harm - no foul, and say that we'll start with a clean slate Sunday, no grudges.

So, guess who never called me.


take | me