Got a little easy @ 12:07 p.m.
on 2005-09-16

Ok, so I was talking with a friend of mine about how I need a date, and he suggested setting me up with a guy he works with, we'll call him Moe. After a few emails and a phone call, we set a date. Last night. My first ever blind date, and I was a bit nervous....

The date went well.

He came and picked me up (silver Civic), and we went to a seafood place in Addison...really nice, fancy-schmancy kinda place. We had a bottle of wine and ate the bread and talked and talked and talked, and laughed-laughed-laughed so much that we didn't really notice that it took about 30-45 minutes for the waiter to take our order. We talked about favorite tv shows, comedians, movies, general get-to-know-ya stuff. (I had the trout, he had the halibut) Great food, he wanted me to taste his potatoes, I think he wanted to feed them to me, but I used my other fork instead. We were both giggly from the wine and I didn't want any drippage on my cutie shirt.

OH, and he was wearing a nice black button down, short sleeves, white undershirt, gray slacks, and shiny nice black dress shoes. He wears glasses (which I love), but which blocked his blue eyes most of the time. I couldn't tell if he was really cut under his clothes, or if he used to be, and now he was just thick-looking. Not lean or fat by any means, though. I wore my pink Mary Tyler Moore-style top and black skirt with black strappy shoes that have a cutie little rhinestone buckle to match my tennis bracelet. I also put some stuff in my hair and curled the ends out...I was smokin!

So we decided on no dessert, but coffee sounded good. We were so giggly that when the waiter presented the desserts and said the words 'edible bag' it took all I had to not bust out laughing. Fortunately when I told Moe what I was turning blue over, he found it just as funny. We laughed so much the whole night, it really was great. When the bill came I offered to pay half, and he refused, but thanked me anyway for being polite. And we took off to Starbucks. We sat outside talking some more and smoking cigarettes (he's a Camel man, too), I had a cappuccino, he had a chi tea. This is when we talked about family and religion and our growing-up experiences. I talked about my job (as best I could), and he told me about his frat philanthropy days. He then drove me home, and walking me to the door he put his arm around my shoulder, and I made some joke about it, so he took it down and I felt kinda shitty, and hoped he didn't feel I was rejecting him.....I just had a bad sense of humor. But when he got to the door he gave me a sweet good-nite kiss. Stopped and made a joke about it being ok--referenced the shoulder incident, we laughed and he kissed me again. Very sweet, open-mouthed, no tongue.

And that was my date! He's going to the Austin City Limits music thing this weekend, so he's gone till Sunday night, but when walking away, he asked if he could call next week and I said that would be fine. :-)

My first date in over four years, I think it went well!


I do have a few reservations, though, and they in no way take away from the fact that he is a really nice guy.

1. He's 24, and I will be 26 next month. I was really looking for someone my age or preferably older.

2. He has a wonderful job and steady income, but still hasn't finished that last semester of his management degree. I've heard this tune before... Also, he said he will have to start working 10-12 hour days...he's in sales...that doesn't leave a lot of time for anything else.

3. There were no fireworks. Great conversation, great time, great date. No spark. Good kisser, though.

take | me