Got a little easy @ 9:46 a.m.
on 2003-07-28

Ah, Monday morning, and for some reason I made it to work earlier than I think I ever have in the past two years! I feel so oddly motivated. I think it's one of those 'what would you do if you knew it was your last day to live' kind of things. Seriously, I feel like a dead man walking around here, and it's so liberating! I sat in with the two other women that hold my position that were also cut this morning, luckily I do not share an office with them. One is so frantic and upset over losing this position that I think she's brought the other one down to her level of panic. So when I strolled in with my breakfast in hand (banana, croissant, and coke), pulled a chair up to their desk and started picnic-ing, I received a look of utter confusion. I was then told a few inflamatory remarks about the children's services supervisor and how this was all her fault, that I just breezed by it and said the choice was 'logical' to keep the more qualified and to cut us loose. I was bordering on being drawn and quartered at this point. Someone then walked by and made the comment that their direct supervisor was in (who I am glad is not my super...she's such a pass-the-buck person) so they scampered off to talk with her, leaving me to finish off my banana as phallicly as possible.

It is a good morning. Ah, the smell of possibility in the air. Or maybe that's just something the construction workers outside are kicking up.

Also, I went to a baby shower Sunday. All I could think was, 'At least I'm not pregnant.'

So the weekend began with a bit of Fiona 'Days like this I just don't know what to do with myself, all day, and all night.' And ended with Cake's version of 'At first I was afraid, I was petrified...'

I was on-call all weekend, too, which is good because it kept me from drinking (I have a tendency to go to extremes when emotional), but bad because I couldn't leave the county. No random trips to the ER, though, and it's a good thing, too, because I really pity the fool who went suicidal on me this weekend. Half the time I don't even need to be called out, just stupid nurses with trigger-happy dialing fingers feel the need to pawn a tough case off on someone else. Another 30% of people who are screened get sent home because they're not really suicidal, just saying that to manipulate their family. Very few people actually meet the criteria to be hospitalized.......I pity the fool that would've tried to manipulate me! Grrrr.

Crimeny, I need to make a dental appt before I lose my sweet-sweet insurance.

Perhaps Maui is hiring....... :)

take | me