Got a little easy @ 2:44 p.m.
on 2003-07-31

This morning we had the 'unemployment' meeting with the Texas Workforce Commission people. Some of it was very informative, but the brochure that listed what type jobs they usually place people into...not to sound snobbish..but they were all manual labor jobs. Like truck driving, and janitorial work. I'm not saying I've never done secretarial work, but I have a degree and ambition, I don't want to have a blue collar anymore! Also, what I thought was funny, when talking with a nurse about my prospects, I mentioned looking into pharmaceutical sales. So she gives me a motherly look and says "That's a lot of work." Like I'm supposed to blink and do a what-was-I-thinking double take and say "Oh, well then I just shouldn't worry my pretty little head with such things!"

Give me a break!

I have never been underestimated so much, or pigeon-holed in such a mediocre, lazy category in my life! Have I portrayed myself as just being happy with the 'good' and given up hope for the 'great?' Or that I've never even considered bettering myself in this world because it would be too much work? *frustration building with anti-feminism stereotypes*

Perhaps I'm reading a bit into this. But I've found that I get one of two responses from my co-workers when told that I've not taken the job offered by the agency, but to strike it out on my own. I either get 'Make a big move while you're young and unattached, I wish I could' or I get a look of panic that says 'But you're young and unattached, what will you fall back on?'

This tells me that there are two types of people in this world, those that embrace challenge to strive forward as individuals, and those whose sense of self is determined by who depends on them. Since I don't like people depending on me, discovered that with bf #2, I guess I'm a forward-er.

I still hate online job searches.

On the upside, I made a dental appointment before the end of August (when the insurance ends!). I also made an appointment to get my hair touched up at this place in the mall. I have never been happy with the way they do my hair, but it needs to be done before Vegas next week, and my newbie-gay friend that broke up with my hairdresser ruined that golden ticket for me...more like golden harvest with a rich sienna undertone.

take | me