Got a little easy @ 4:53 p.m.
on 2003-08-30

After spending time reading through everyone's diaries to catch up on the past week I think I have just one thing to say about the VMA's:

In the 80's and early 90's, drunk rockers had angry political statements to make, having a national, if not global, audience. This made them cool...and true rock stars. These days, there are no more 'Rock Stars' we instead have celebrities who are too young and stupid to have radical political views. Most people on that stage were too young to be drinking, yet were obviously drunk nonetheless.

I would hate to be a custodian backstage.

Where are the 'Soy Bombs' of my generation?

The last huge upset on-mic that I recall was Fiona Apple telling us all that the world we see is crap and fake.

Rock on, Fiona.

And where is she today? Was her career crucified for her outspoken unmasking of the rich and fabulous?

Who is that man behind the curtain, Wizard?

Oh, let's not forget the climbing of the structure at last year's VMAs by the Rage Against the Machine guy. But was that a political statement, or just a practical joke? I'm honestly not sure.

Once again, I refer to the enormous alcohol (and whatever else) consumption. I have to say that I agree with Uncle Bob's comment about the crotch-grabbing. Putting it into context for me, should I feel out-dated because I'm not making out with other women?

Cristo, I'm only 24!

I'm Heading out now though to drink in a bar while watching the A&M game. Well, I really won't be watching it, but I'll see and be seen.

You know how it goes. Same with the damn Super Bowl....couldn't give a rat's ass...

Anyway, perhaps I can convince one of my girlfriends to make out with me while college guys pour pitchers of beer on our oh-so-see-through tops. Maybe then I can finally be cool.

take | me