Got a little easy @ 1:58 p.m.
on 2003-10-12

Hello All, busy week? Mine was.

I'll start with a small aggravation I've already been bitching about today. A good friend of mine is really starting to get on my nerves. She never wants to do anything outside of her house unless she's mad at her husband and wants to go have drinks and be hit on by strange men.

How does this affect our sweet Autumn-Kitty, you may be asking. Well, last year for my birthday The Group made plans to go to Austin for the weekend and party/hang out/generally have fun.

(This was also the weekend I got to know the wonderful Chicagojo, whom I now consider a friend)

Well, guess who copped out? We'll call her No-Show. Whatever. I was mad, I got over it. It's just in her nature to want to do boring stuff instead of fun stuff with me. Her excuse was that she'd promised her mother-in-law she'd go to a jewelry show in Houston. Bland, right? Nothing in comparison to the Salsa-dancing-flaming-Dr.-Pepper-chugging-second-hand-clothes-shopping-Central-Market-sampling that went on in Austin.

Anyway, that was last year. When I told her about this year's birthday extravaganza planned for Dallas, she was excited, saying she and her husband had friends there that they could spend the night with. Cool.

Or so I thought.

A few days later I was informed that she had said, "I don't care how mad Autumn-Kitty gets, I'm NOT driving all the way to Dallas just for a weekend!" Hmmm, a far cry from her excited ramblings a few days earlier.

Yesterday No-Show and her husband came into town (surprisingly, she left the house), his old college played my old college, and we kicked their butts, so we ate some dinner afterwards.

I didn't mention Dallas. I happily ate my vegan tacos with black beans, no sour cream, no cheese, told her I was going Vegan just to see her choke on the burrito she had shoved in her face, and laughed.

I'm not by the way, just wanted a nice taco.

I waited till she brought this weekend up, with a casual "So what are the plans?"

Don't play coy with me, you snake in the grass! Oh, and on a side note...No-Show's not exactly the brightest crayon in the box. Haha, and SHE wants to play mindgames with ME? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

She basically digs herself a little hole saying that she doesn't want to stay at Mona's house. Evidently one of my other friend's that's coming is going to be staying with her friend Mona who is roommates with a girl Spring. I don't even know these people, by the way, I've met Spring twice briefly at parties, but don't really know her. So No-Show tells me how she has no respect for Spring since she divorced her husband and has been fooling around since.

(Names have been changed to protect the innocent, and even the slutty)

How weak is that? She is using 'not respecting someone I don't even know' as her excuse to miss MY feaking birthday! I've known the girl since 3rd grade!!

Or at least she WILL use that as an excuse. Shit, I may just call and Uninvite her. Too much damn drama.


And to top it off, the workforce commission is making my life hell with tons of demands. Hoops, hoops, hoops, that's what I have to jump through. I wouldn't mind, either (free money while unemployed is nice), but my neighbor doesn't have to do the crap I do. I was telling Chicagojo about all the faxing, and she said she never did that either when unemployed. Why am I getting hassled?

I picked up a graduate catalog the other day. I'm contemplating going back to school.

Paging Dr. Kitty. Dr. Kitty, you have a call....

I've got a lot to think about for the future...job-wise. Where is the market going? What can a person do with just a bachelor's in Psychology?

I'm falling back in to my pity-cycle. That then leads to a depressed funk, and I would like to avoid that if at all possible.


I also had to take Precious in to the vet this week with another bladder infection. Yuck. I now have to shove half a pill down her throat twice a day. And that $128 bill really put a dent into my monthly drinking allowance. But on a good note, she's been so much more affectionate at night since taking this new medicine and new ph-balanced food. Every night since the vet visit, she's climbed up in bed to snuggle with me and Joe. She's not usually that consistently affectionate. Hmmm, is there some prozac in those pills?

Keep 'em coming!


And as promised, here's some pics from the Renaissance Festival... It was me, my In-n-Out Gay friend, my Red-headed friend, and her almost-4 year old. The kid was a handful, but after a few body slams I had him pinned...

Then he came back with a choke-hold...

You've got to be tough if you want to make it big time...hahahaha

take | me