Got a little easy @ 2:45 p.m.
on 2003-10-13

I got a surprise today...more than just two people are reading my diary.

Big Yeah!

And in true diva fashion, I'll use this entry to talk about...myself! Or really tell about myself.

Are you ready? Random facts:

1. Right now my cat is blocking my keyboard wanting attention.

2. I'm a sucker for a pretty face. I signed up for my mega hot neighbor's long distance plan he was hocking, and I never call people out of state!

3. I can't wear calf-length boots because my calves are too skinny. I have chicken-legs from hell.

4. I go through fashion phases. Right now I'm feeling very girly and needing to wear a lot of pink tops that show off my awesome cleavage.

5. I have awesome cleavage.

6. My boyfriend's mother doesn't speak English (understands it, but won't speak it, only Spanish) since she had a stroke in the 90's, and I'm TERRIFIED of spending time with her. I don't speak Spanish.

7. The first boy I was head-over-heels in love with in 9th grade dropped me like a bad habit, but let me know not by telling me, but by showing me in public he was now with someone else. Since, I have always done the leaving in every relationship, and usually cheated.

8. It's hard for me to admit I'm wrong, or say please and thank-you.

9. My living room is decorated with an Asian influence. My bedroom is done in what I consider a French-country with the absence of blue, I've used green, gold, and browns.

10. Buffy the Vampire Slayer was an obsession of mine over the summer months. I'm Pro Buffy-n-Spike luvin!

11. Bruce Willis is the sexiest man alive. Period.

12. I've been labeled a fag-hag, and I'm quite proud.

13. I'm not superstitious, and have a vague concept of religion. I have had wonderful dealings with the Baptist church, but, by nature, find that I only believe in what can be questioned, and pass the test.

14. I'm a confirmed cynical-optimist.

15. I wear a shoe size 5 or 5 1/2. My pants are a 2, which is kinda big for me.

16. I just got off the depo-provera birth control shot after two years. Lifestyles it is!

17. Even with a BS in Psychology, I was laid off in August 2003 and am currently collecting unemployment.

18. I have one sister, 16 months older than me. We were never really close. I'm not that close with any of my family, we're not the affectionate bunch.

19. There are no tatoos on my body. I can't ever decide on what I want permanently stamped on my body, I change my mind A LOT.

20. I can be really bossy if allowed to.

21. I love microwavable food.

22. I have two friends that are Vegans. For them I buy microwavable Boca Burgers, and my boyfriend thinks I'm nuts for it.

23. Not a sports fan. I'd rather watch Surprise by Design...Robert Verdi is too cute!

24. I once had two guys at a bar bet on whose dick I would suck first. Neither one won.

25. I once had a certain type of buddy whose bed I called the Fluffy Cloud. White down comforter, light blue t-shirt cotton sheets. I loved it.

26. I've been around the block.

27. Right now my fridge is full of condiments and leftover pizza.

28. My favorite cd to party to is Sublime.

29. I tried pot years ago, didn't like it. I always felt like my head was about to explode. Talk about paranoid. Never done any other drugs.

30. I once dated a two-time felon.

31. I've never been arrested, but oh, speeding tickets galore!

32. Pajama pants and tank tops are perfect for days around the house.

33. If I could afford it, I'd be a drunk. Only my poverty keeps me in check.

34. I laugh when nervous, and blush easily.

35. I love laughing, and making others laugh. I'm often the comedian of the group, when in a group.

36. Joe makes me laugh more than anyone else, and that's one of the millions of reasons I love him. And yes, that's him in the pic, and no, you can't borrow him!

37. Joe and I went on our first date May 5th, 2000. We are both huge dorks who don't get jealous, like having a cigarette with a beer, and laugh our asses off during Scrubs and Will and Grace.

38. There were 150 people in my high school graduating class.

39. I regularly keep up with about 4 people from my hometown.

40. There are more lotions in my bathroom closet than I will ever use.

41. I live alone because I hated cleaning up after other people. I'm not anal, but I'm clean.

42. I love spooning. I once wondered why I had never done this before dating Joe, then I remember that the last guy had a pretty hairy back.

43. I love seafood, and that is the reason I could never go vegetarian. I could do some form of veganism where I eat meat and just no dairy. I'm highly lactose intolerant, and don't really like eggs, milk, etc.

44. Two weeks ago I got my second pedicure ever. I loved it.

45. My favorite old school Nintendo games are Super Mario Bros. 3 and Kirby's Adventures.

46. Andre Agassi is the sexiest sports figure ever. I've got a thing for bald guys, ya think?

47. Being from Texas I use "ya'll" regularly and find no humor in it. Joe makes fun of my accent regularly, though, he thinks he's cute.

48. Fav smell: clean carpet. Least Fav smell: dumpster juice.

49. There are nine items in my 'dirty bag' not including attachments or extra batteries.

50. My new motto is "Never let self doubt get in the way of achieving your goals."

take | me