Got a little easy @ 4:45 p.m.
on 2003-11-11

I spent some time today surfing around d-land reading diaries that other people had linked to, claiming them to be funny. And they were. Which leaves me wondering, �Am I as funny as them?�

In my early years, to fit in it was important to me to be the smartest; in high school I wanted to be the funniest; in college I had to be the sexiest. So now I�m left with this smart-funny-sexy complex.

Then I start thinking�Fuck that, I�m really fucking funny. Either that, or I hang around a lot of fucking dull people.

Which is also quite possible.

So I jumped in the shower to sort things out, tapping the root of my feminine smart-funny-sexy power. Actually, it was more of a circular rubbing.

And now that I�ve released all that fucking tension [pun intended], I�m just happy that other people are releasing their inner funny demon out into the world of the hideously dull daily.

Point being: Self doubt sucks.

And if you don�t think I�m smart-funny-sexy, fuck you and the horse you rode in on! I�m going to go make out my Christmas Card list, in my tiny lace underwear, while memorizing new Spanish vocab words!

Hmmm, I also think I�ll leave those funny d-landers a nasty note so they�ll be sure to come read my page, too. It�s only fair!

take | me