Got a little easy @ 6:43 p.m.
on 2004-05-10

Are men really that desperate...or worse..are women???

Several times now I have checked my referrers listings to see how people are finding my site, and several times now it has been due to a google search for "computer enhanced boobs."

I have several scenerios running through my head...

1. A couple of 14 year old boys just watched "Wierd Science" and are trying for their very own manmade woman

2. A couple of 14 year old girls are trying to see what they'll look like after saving up their babysitting money for the next 4 years and buy some self esteem

I could go on, but I'll just stop there. I'm pretty tired and just ordered a pizza. The cats are having a stare-down and Joe keeps calling to complain about work.

My life was really together about a year ago but now I can't seem to keep a thought in my head longer than 10 minutes. And my memory is completely crap.

And I think I'm developing a speech impediment. When I got on the depo shot it made my mouth water a lot more which of course affected my speech.

I'm slowly turning retarded. And it all started when I began working around retarded adults....

Holy Christ! It IS contagious!!!

It's a good thing I'm cute, that's all I have to say.

take | me