Got a little easy @ 4:44 p.m.
on 2004-09-28

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Blind date went well, still seeing him. No major flaws yet, we'll see where this goes.

Talked with a friend today about cereal that cuts up your mouth. What's up with that? You could say the cereal makers are sadists, but I really think it's our mothers for buying it for us.

I like my new position at work, it's fun. Last night when talking to my dad he asked when I officially 'assumed the position' and I had to keep from laughing out loud.

Yesterday was my dad's 58th birthday; I called him to sing the b-day song. He liked it, and we chatted for a bit. I wish we were closer because I know it would make him happy, but I'm very arm's-length from any family members.

I smoke too much.

The young guy I was 'seeing' told me yesterday that he went on a date to see a movie with this chick he just met, but that he didn't watch most of the movie. He said this to make me jealous, he really doesn't listen when I tell him I'm apathetic. I just found out that this chick is a complete skank and was told 'no' when she tried to go down on him in the theater. I'm not going to bring this up until he makes some snide remark to me (which he eventually will), that his hot date was a ho. Hmmm, maybe I'll ask if she demands payment beforehand, or is a lady and waits till after.

I love my friends, but I'm so tired of hearing everyone complain about petty cyclic shit happening in their life. If you keep doing what you're doing, you're gonna keep getting what you're getting.

I've finished reading The Bell Jar. I think next I'll tackle��Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. I loved the movie, so why not? And I love John Cusack.

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