Got a little easy @ 4:59 p.m.
on 2003-11-30

Because I didn't drink as much last night as I did Friday, today's hangover is significantly less brutal.

Life is good.

I'd completely forgotten I told S I would attend her office party with her tonight, so out I go again here in a bit.

Round and round she goes....

Last night at the bar S informs me that one of the bitchy chicks has now said that she's ok to hang out with me again after things with her fiance settle down.

I believe my response was to roll my eyes and sigh, "Well good, you just let me know the minute she decides to grace me with her presence."

It was dripping with sarcasm and false sweetness...and felt oh-so-good to say in public. And I have this adorable Scarlett O'Hara southern drawl that I love to drag out, making me sound like a wounded kitten, needing to be loved and cuddled.

And be bought beer. Yes, lots and lots of beer.

S got me to try a banana qualude shot last night, and purrr, kitty likey.

I had a 'we'll see what happens' night, as S and my future nephew were sucking face all freaking night....and yes, his mother is still in town and was right there. They have a much different relationship than I do with my mom, but good god!

We'll just have to wait and see what happens with them two.

I'm not opposed to their relationship, they're both about 2 years younger than me.....it's just a little strange...they're two really good people, just with really nasty track records.

We'll see.

take | me